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Hoey + Xõchitl

—   Hoey + Xōchitl —

Tim Hoey and Zandra Xōchitl

The Globe and Mail called Timothy, “Canada’s most unrecognized artist”. His first solo show at 17 led him on a path of various side jobs & hustles to support his art career. In 2013, while exhibiting in a tent, in front of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, he realized that perhaps this “slapping paint” is his real job. Nearly 40 years later after that first show, Timothy has no plans to retire and still on occasion finds time to swing a hammer and mix cement

“Part of the motivation and inspiration for this collaboration is that nothing is too precious—we’re cooking with stuff we mostly already have lying around in our respective studios and throwing things in the mix without getting in each others way too much. It’s meant to stretch us creatively, try new things (I don’t know, just google something in latin!) and see what happens without attachment. Plus if it sucks we can blame the other person.”

Zandra Xōchitl is an accomplished LatinX Canadian artist and was the only Canadian chosen for the 24Uth Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition in London. Timothy Wilson Hoey was lucky enough to have fallen in love with her & fooled her into thinking that holding his hand was a good idea.