Burnt Walnut Vase and Sapele Vase in Walnut Landscape  Base 12%22 x 5%22 x 1.5%22; Vase 1.5%22 x 1.5%22 x 3%22; Vase 4.5%22 x 4.5%22 x 2%22  $300.jpg

KG + e

—   KG + e —

Kevin Gilbert and Erin Schwab KG + e

An exploration in wood

Tucked into the northern boreal forest of Alberta, KG+e was born. A woodworking family of Kevin Gilbert + Erin Schwab that specializes in handcrafted wooden objects that play somewhere between form and function. After losing their home and studio to a fire and faced with the task of replacing everything, they sought to fill their home with mindfully crafted objects of meaning, craftsmanship, and beauty. That narrative has expanded and KG+e has sold work across Canada through retailers such as Simons and Labour of Love in Toronto.

Their work is represented in notable collections such as the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and were selected for the cover of the 40th Anniversary catalog for the Alberta Craft Council  A.C.E: Alberta Craft Excellence Exhibition.