Land | Water | Sky
Susan Wallis
Land | Water | Sky
April 8th - May 4th 2023
Opening reception on April 8, 2023
the artist will attend
“With my feet firmly planted on the soil of the earth, I raise my eyes to the skies and feel the embrace of the cool breeze off the lake's surface and breathe deeply. I imprint the scene into my memory banks to be recalled at a later date.
THIS is my happy place, located in the places between the land, the water and the sky. As I coax the pigmented wax across the boards in my studio, carving, ironing and splashing the wax, I hope to transfer these moments of awe and quiet contemplation and appreciation of the natural world into the work for the viewer. My intention is for viewers to empathize with the sites I reveal in my art, spurring stewardship”
~Susan Wallis
Artist Biography
Susan Wallis is a graduate from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. Wallis was born in Toronto and lived and worked there for many years before moving to the countryside of Prince Edward County, Ontario. It is there where she can be found in her studio when she is not weeding her garden or tending to her small flock of chickens. Wallis’ work is showcased and collected throughout Canada and is held in private and corporate collections in the United States, China, Australia and Europe.